Simple Veggie Fajitas

Simple Veggie Fajitas

As Americans, we tend to be in a hurry and at the end of the day we are exhausted and don't want to spend the time in the kitchen. Instead of jeopardizing your health with fast...

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Homemade Corn Chips

Homemade Corn Chips

Our family loves a certain meal called, "haystacks." This is basically a taco salad. For this, we usually use the white tortilla chips.  As I scrolled through Pinterest, I found...

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Tempeh Meatballs

Tempeh Meatballs

I love anything to give pasta some life. I found this recipe for Tempeh Italian Meatballsand thought I would give it a try. These meatballs are vegan but I made mine gluten free...

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Veggie Rice Skillet

Veggie Rice Skillet

I have decided to branch out of my comfort zone of cooking and create my own recipe. I was looking at some skillet recipes online but they seem to be bland or required items that...

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