Infinity Jars

Infinity Jars

Have you ever put food in a container with the intention of using it that week, only to forget about it until the next week, and now you have to throw it out? How about juicing?...

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Pineapple Smoothie Tonic

Pineapple Smoothie Tonic

When cold and flu season hits, I do everything I can to avoid it, but there is no telling what can happen. I was sure that I wouldn't get sick with eating all my greens, washing...

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Potato Tempeh Curry

Potato Tempeh Curry

Over the Christmas holiday I had the privilage of cooking suppers for my parents, siblings, and family. My sou chef, was my sister, Amanda. We had such a great time creating...

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Pumpkin Overnight Oats

Pumpkin Overnight Oats

Pumpkin! Yep, it is November and I am still making pumpkin recipes. This will continue to happen all the way through this month. I am just, that kind of gal. Fall makes me happy...

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